Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stage 2, Value Sketch

At this stage I have added ultramarine blue with the alizarin crimson to create a very dark purple. I have used this to lightly fill in some of the darkest darks, to further the value sketch. At this stage I am still pleased with how the painting is going. It took about 20 minutes to complete stages 1 and 2.

Painting in Oils, Stage 1 - Line Drawing

The next few blog entries are of different stages of creating an oil painting. I am painting a scene from a sketch I did on site. I was sitting on the banks of the White River, near the NCAA headquarters, looking southwest at the bridge that leads to the zoo. This is the first stage, the line drawing with alizarin crimson on an orange primed canvas. I have also scrubbed in a little of a value study.

Stage 3 - Color Notes

Nearing the final stage, here I have filled in the color notes, approximately what I'll end up with. There is probably a little too much paint on the canvas, so it's getting hard to keep the colors from getting muddy. I'm not entirely happy with it, the water color is wrong, and I need to add a reflection of the bridge. The contrast isn't great enough, either. It may be a few days before I get this finished and published.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Just completed this portrait of Einstein for my brother-in-law, Pete. Hope it looks like hime, the dog that is!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bob, Portrait in Pencil

Did a quick 15 minute sketch while my husband was watching TV, then worked on it more the next day. I love pencil, it's so easy to blend! I think I captured him, or at least all but the back of his head!